There are a number of techniques commonly used for facelift and it is important to have a full consultation with Dr. Bugra in order that he is able to determine what is appropriate and effective in your situation.

  • Mini Facelift lifts sagging jowls and neck, removes excess skin resulting in improved jaw definition and reduced neck lines.
  • Full Facelift lifts the upper and lower face for total rejuvenation, removes excess skin and removes deep lines and folds.
  • Forehead Lift lifts the forehead to remove deep lines and elevate the brow.
  • Mid-Face Lift restores the lower eyelid area and cheeks. Tired sagging cheeks are lifted and the face looks rejuvenated. This procedure can help with deep nasal folds.

faceliftThe facelift procedures typically take 1 to 3 hours. Most patients will require a general anaesthesia for the full facelift, incisions are typically made behind and in front of the ears, carefully designed to minimise and conceal scarring. In some cases the incisions extend onto the scalp. Depending on the procedure, muscle tightening and liposuction to the neck may be performed to enhance the effect of the facelift. You may require an overnight stay in hospital. A face lift will result in a more youthful appearance as a result of a tightening of the soft facial skin.


We advise that you take two weeks off work, depending on the nature of your occupation, and what better way to recuperate than at a luxury hotel in sunny Cyprus.

Dr Bugra will advise you on when to gradually introduce your daily/weekly activities and exercise routines.